Peeps have a winner

Happy Easter, folks!

The Washington Post’s Style section has announced the winner of the third annual Peeps diorama contest. And it’s a doozie. The woman who made the winning creation spent more than 40 hours on it.

Here’s the article.

And here’s a photo gallery of the winner and the top 40 entries of more than 1,000. You’ll find yourself recognizing the fun of various creations as you think back over news and pop culture from the past year.

We can do better is having what it calls a “creatively green” contest. The idea is to submit photos of things you’ve repurposed to show how “green” you are.

Their example is a satchel made from a Tidy Cats bag. Tidy Cats bags, when empty, still are full of dust and smell like cat litter, even if it’s clean cat litter. Someone can do better. Submit your idea!

(Oh, and 5 submissions will get their work displayed at a booth on Indiana Earth Day)

Seven wonders

Are you living it up, or living in?

As an Army brat whose career took me to even more locations, I’ve learned the difference. Part of living it up is getting to know the weird and wonderful of your community. Now, I’m not going to travel an hour for a giant sculpted elephant holding a martini glass, but if that’s your thing, go for it!

I will, however, make it a point to see this house:

It’s one of the “Seven Wonders of the Indianapolis Area” as compiled by the Indy Star. You can visit most, if not all, of the “wonders” for free or just the cost of gas to drive there. Check them out at Perhaps your next weekend excursion lies just beyond that mouse click.

Symphony, sans shoes

If you’re as basketball-crazed as some people I know, you know that coaches dress nicely. And then sometimes they dress nicely and don’t wear shoes.

It started when the coach of the IUPUI Jaguars basketball team here in Indy went barefoot to raise awareness of the need for shoes in the Third World. His action snowballed into massive support for Samaritan’s Feet, which collects shoes to protect kids from injury and disease. It grew to hundreds of coaches and thousands of pairs of shoes.

Now the Indianapolis Symphony is going barefoot for the cause.

The concert is Wednesday, April 29. You can get tickets here. I have a code for $10 off “your total ticket purchase” – just ask me.

If you want to learn more about the charity, watch this ESPN video.

Tough times

The good people over at Slate have come up with a way to express our despair creatively: Photos of the recession.

in NYC

in NYC

They’ve posted a few slideshows of favorites, but they are still collecting them via flickr.

Should faces for radio be seen this big?

This one’s for all you Ira Glass junkies.

Popular radio program (and also TV, on a premium channel) This American Life is doing two live gigs this spring. This isn’t like Prairie Home Companion, which always performs before an audience. Normally, TAL is fully produced before it airs.

Of course, both events have already sold out. But do not despair!

The April 23 show will be live-streamed to movie theaters across the country. I know it’s airing in Indy — anyone want to go?

You ought to read

Each day we hear how much worse the economy is getting. It’s downright depressing. Let’s self-medicate with laughter from the good people over at McSweeneys.

Mom and Dad keep talking about this recession and I gotta say: it’s awesome! Yesterday, I ate pizza for breakfast, mac and cheese and hot-dog cubes for lunch, and then more pizza for dinner! 

-This Recession is Awesome

If you give the federal government $700 billion… (yes, it IS just like the mouse and the cookie)

We can still make this special. Look on the bright side. We’ll still be dining by candlelight, as I could not afford utilities this month and am currently without electricity or hot water.

– I’ve Cooked You a Recession-Friendly Valentine’s Dinner

OK this last one is about a Roomba, not the economy. But it’s funny anyhow.

Wait 4 chikin

I was first in line at an after-Thanksgiving sale once. I’ve gotten up early for concert tickets. I’ve lined up a few hours in advance for a Penn State football opener (still didn’t get front row). But I’ve never truly camped out for anything.

However, after reading this article, I’d be tempted to camp out at a Chick-fil-A.

The first 100 customers at grand openings get a year of free food. And not just that — they have a party. There are tents.  There is music and dancing. And even though it isn’t officially open yet, the restaurant feeds you. People are generally happy-go-lucky. What’s not to love?

Carol Guzy / The Washington Post

Carol Guzy / The Washington Post

I’m off

S . P . R . I . N . G . B . R . E . A . K

Not that I have loyal readers or anything. But I’m taking the week off from the blog.

Free money for college

Do you know a teen from Indiana who is making a difference? Do you want to recognize him or her?

The nomination deadline is Saturday for the Power of Children Awards. The awards, tied to the Power of Children exhibit at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, include a four-year scholarship to IUPUI.

The student (it’s open to Grades 6-11) also gets a grant to continue their good deeds in the community.

Past winners include a student who started and supported a reading program for the local Boys & Girls Club, one who created a nonprofit to help senior citizens learn to use computers, one who started a support group making gift baskets for kids with cancer… you get the idea. Kids who are awesome. Kids who inspire others to change the world.

Do you know one?